Cheryl Renée Simon initially began her mission to create a vegan, organic skincare line after developing a small melanoma on her back as well as basal cell carcinomas on her face and other parts of her body.

Cheryl always had a passion for make-up. She went to cosmetology school and developed her own line of color cosmetics and did bridal make-overs when she was younger.

It wasn’t until many years later, after dealing with her skin cancer removal and radiation to her face, that she began studying the importance of skincare and learning as much as she could about the products she used on her own skin. She wanted to use facial hydrators that were not only safe, but improved her skin quality and assisted in aging-well.

Through her own journey, and watching so many family and friends battle and win, and battle and lose the war on cancer, she learned about the importance of plants to avoid disease in the body and that’s when she decided to go vegan.

During this time, she not only learned about what being vegan meant for the animals, but she learned so much about the struggles of families dealing with such a devastating diagnosis and she wanted to help in some way.....

That’s when
Cheryl Renee Cosmetics,
Pretty with a Purpose
was born...

The idea was to create vegan, cruelty free, clean skincare brand that people could benefit from, but that would also give back.

Cheryl Renée Cosmetics' mission is to help relieve undue human and animal suffering.  Cheryl wants you to choose the organization that touches you. While we work on improving our website to offer you that choice, 10% of all profits will be divided equally between The Humane Society and St. Jude’s Research Hospital for Children. 

 In some way, her products and donations are connected to those she loves and those that have contributed to her discovering a healthy way to live that has trickled down to her family and she is forever grateful.

Thank you for visiting my site and I hope you join our family and help us make a difference. As you purchase your skincare products. please know that I will be making donations to both St. Jude’s Cancer Research Center and The Humane Society of the United States. These 2 organizations were chosen for personal reasons. 10% of profits will go towards donations. I will update the total donations at year's end to show you what you helped do. 

After watching both my nephew Dominic and a dear friend, Bonnie experience the battle with cancer, it contributed to my desire to research how diet can help heal. Because of both of them, I went vegan 5 years ago this coming New Year 2021-22 and my husband and son are now vegan as well. I had already been thinking about a skincare line, but that is when I first started to think about a line of skincare that could give back to help those diagnosed with cancer in some way. When I asked my nephew Dominic, who went through testicular and stomach cancer, which organization he would donate to, he said St. Jude’s because “I can’t imagine a child going through this.” He was 27 at that time and cancer free 6 year to date! Children’s cancer research only receives about 4% of all research monies and they need our help. 

I also chose The Humane Society because my dear friend from high school is the Leader of the Bucks County Humane Society of the United States. She has always donated her time and energy to the welfare of animals and had a huge impact on me in terms of animals’ well-being.

All of my products will in some way, relate to those in my life who have influenced me in such amazing and positive ways and it’s my way of honoring them and saying thank you.
I love you all.

peace and love