How does shipping work?

We offer FREE Shipping on all orders in the USA over $25. We do not currently offer international shipping and only deliver to the USA. All products are made in the USA.

Do you offer returns?

15 day returns for 100% refund minus shipping.  Email for instructions. Before returning, considering sharing with a friend or family member. Skincare is very personal so someone you care about may enjoy it! To help with the footprint on the planet, please save the box it came in and re-use. Please recycle once you fall in love and decide to keep the product. Please recycle the cosmetic containers as well. Please check your local county/state for rules on what is considered recyclable.  

Are the ingredients organic?

Our products are non-toxic, vegan, cruelty free, paraben free, gluten free, sulfate free, silicone free, talc free, and eco-friendly. When products are 70% organic they can be USDA certified organic. Our products are above the 70% mark and we’re working towards the certification as we grow.

Environment / Planet impact?

Cheryl Renee Cosmetics uses 100% recyclable packaging including biodegradable tissue paper and stickers. You will notice we don't use boxes for individual products. We will continue to make efforts at improving packaging and delivery methods that improve our footprint on the planet. Instead of recycling, please find ways to uses our containers as well!  

How do the donations work?

10% of all profits will be divided between The Humane Society and St. Jude’s Research Hospital for Children. When the website is improved you will be able to choose the organization you want to donate to. We will be updating donation totals at the end of each year so you can see the impact of your contributions to these wonderful causes.

get in touch

To reach out, please email You can reach out with any feedback or suggestions! We will strive to keep you happy and meet your standards in every way possible.

Frequently Asked Questions